
Mr Joseph Evans began learning piano from his mother at the age of 3. In high school, he sang with the Jazz Choir, Madrigal Choir, and played Mr. Snow in the musical Carousel. He also took part in directing theater groups for children, and started teaching himself to play guitar. He got a Bachelor’s in Vocal Music from CSUSacramento where he performed in Die Fledermaus, The Magic Flute, and The Merry Wives of Windsor. He accompanied the Choir at Davis Waldorf School in Davis, CA for 2 years. He has performed professionally as a singer, pianist, guitarist, and bass guitarist and taught private music lessons for 12 years. He has also been active in music for his community, acting as choir director, choir accompanist, children’s music director, congregational organist, and currently serving as the accompanist for the children’s music program.  Joseph enjoys playing traditional Irish music, hand drums, didgeridoo, and electronic compositions.